23 Sep 2020 10:47:35
This one is for all you vegans out there who want to try out some easy desserts, and also for the ones who want to try vegan food but don’t know where to start ( no better way to give being vegan a try than with desserts, right? ) . With veganism becoming more and more popular by the day, people want to adapt to the plant based diet more than ever before, they want to dive into this and try out new recipes. So here are a few easy vegan desserts which you should definitely try, even if you’re not vegan.
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Chocolate chip cookies are one of my favorite classic desserts ever and making these delicious treats is going to be fun and easy. Taking a recipe and making it vegan may make it a tad bit healthier, if not more tasty.
What you will need to make these is ½ cup sugar, ¾ brown sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, ½ cup of coconut oil, ¼ cup of non-dairy milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 ½ cups of flours, half teaspoon baking soda, and lastly, 8 ounces of semi sweet chopped vegan dark chocolate. Just mix all of these ingredients together in a large bowl, in the given order of the ingredients. In the end, add the chocolate. Place a cling wrap on the bowl and chill for 30 minutes. Then remove the wrap, and scoop out your cookies. Bake them at 180 degrees C. Take them out of the oven, and enjoy while warm and chewy.

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Reese’s peanut butter cup is my guilty pleasure and if you give me one thing I could eat all my life, then that would be it. These are obviously far from healthy and totally not good for you, so I’m giving you a recipe which will be just as indulgent as an actual reese’s, way healthier than them, and most of all, are vegan.
What you’ll need to make them is a bar of dark chocolate, 1 tablespoon of sugar (or any preferred sweetner of your choice), 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, and around a cup of creamy peanut butter. You will also need silicon moulds or paper cups (small ones) for this.
Melt your chocolate, sugar, and oil together. Then pour some of this mixture halfway into the mould. Keep this in the freezer for half an hour. Then take the moulds out and put a small dollop of peanut butter and place it on top of the frozen chocolate. Chill this in the freezer for another 30 minutes or so. Then, take them out again and top them up with the rest of the melted chocolate and freeze them for the last time for an hour. The longer you freeze them, the better they will firm up. These make great edible gifts too!
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Brownies is one dessert no one can resist and I’m going to tell how you can make these at home, and make them vegan.
You will need 2 cups of dates, 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of water and half a cup of roasted walnuts, half a cup of cocoa powder, 1/3 cup of chopped dark chocolate, and some salt.
Preheat your oven at 180 degrees C. Blend your dates, your coconut oil and cocoa powder and water together. Then add the walnuts, chocolate and some salt in the blender and blend it. Let the walnut and chocolate be chunky, do not completely blend them. Pour this mixture in a baking tin, lined with parchment paper and bake for 10 minutes. Take it out after 10 minutes and sprinkle some salt and a few crushed walnuts on top of the brownies, and while still warm. You could pair this with some vegan ice cream which will take it to a whole new level (that’s how I would eat it). This dessert is perfect for a movie night or for parties, but honestly, you do not need a reason to make this amazing vegan treat.
So these were some of my favorite vegan desserts. I love them mostly because how incredibly easy they are to make and how good they turn out to be every single time. Do let us know if you tried any of these treats and how liked them!
- kinjal dixit 
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