6 Way to build confidence

23 Jun 2020 13:00:00

Confidence is something that, when we believe in ourselves to do a certain task. We feel that, YES I CAN DO THIS! Though the task might be difficult we boost ourselves and feel enthusiastic to do it. 

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When there is a doubt in our minds about something, we tend to be hesitant. It’s natural. Even if we know all the risks involved we decide to take a chance. This is Confidence.

Many people lack confidence. We can do various things to build our confidence.

Here I have listed out 6 things as follow :

1. List your skills: Make a list of your skills. Pen down all the things you are good at. Things can be anything related to your personal or professional life. For example – Write down if you are good at keeping your living space organized. So now if you are not regular at this try doing it regularly. So that when you complete a task you are good at you to feel happy & confident.

2. Acceptance: 
Acceptance about everything which happens in your life. Maybe good or bad. Your vibrations should not fluctuate. If someone is praising you then learn to accept the praise with a smile and a sense of gratitude. Say thank you. This will give you confidence. Don’t get disheartened when you feel you are worthy and you don’t get the respect and acknowledgment you desired for. Sit back, smile, and clap for others. This will teach you how to appreciate others for their work. Which will automatically make you a good human with a courageous heart?

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3. Try new things: 
Trying new things which you have never done before, will help in increasing your confidence level. Challenge yourself to do things. Make short goals, try achieving them. Doing this will keep you energetic and excited always. You will maintain a high vibration level of your body.

4. Reading Books: 
I will always recommend everyone to read lots and lots of books. Especially self-help books. They change your life like anything. They have changed mine.

5. Get healthy & fit: 
Work on your body & soul. Our body is our temple. We should respect and worship it.

Take steps to be fit. Workout, yoga, meditation, reiki (cosmic healing), etc. There are many ways to choose the one which interests you. But you have to be consistent to see the results.

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Don’t lose hope and confidence in the process. We are doing this to gain more confidence.

6. Keep your circle positive: 
Try and keep yourself surrounded by positive and likeminded people. People who are negative keep them away from you. Make an inner circle in your life where you only allow a few people to be close to you. People who support, love, encourage and be happy seeing your growth. Make yourself a strong person that you are not affected by the negativity. Join a group of people where they discuss ideas, innovative things, interesting topics, intellectual talks.

But for doing all this you have to start with yourself. Because, if you become a positive magnet then positive people will get attracted to you. If you are negative then those kinds of people will be around you. You have to decide what kind of circle you want to create for yourself.

Keep your Aura clean and positive.

- Komal Doiphode 

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